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Bass Orphan

About Us

About Us

Why Choose Us

To bring abandoned children from the slum to safety and into the loving arms of caretakers that will educate, love and raise them to become future leaders in their generation.

Every day they sacrifice for the children the rest of the world has left behind for dead… Bass Orphan Home age Children’s non-governmental, social development organisation that provides family-based care for parentless or abandoned children in Hyderabad. The organization is over 6 years old and it advocates the concerns, rights and needs of children in need of care and protection.

Our History: Every child has a caring parent, Brothers and Sisters: Every child has family ties and he or she grows up with a sense of responsibility and a spirit of sharing, The House: A place where the child feels secure and has a sense of belonging, and The Village: A community that surrounds the child, so that every child has roots.

Who We Are

These are just some of the responsibilities and duties what we work to: The integrity of our financial reporting Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, internal standards, policies and expectations Management and appointment of staff Approval of volunteers, construction and major projects Establishing our objectives, purposes and policies

    Our Mission Statement

  • To honor God, creator of all things, above all else that we do and to serve Him with the very fullness of our being.
  • To always remember that every child’s life is priceless and to put the needs of the children above our own.
  • To uphold the highest ethical standards in our work and to be honest and accountable in our reports about those we help.
  • To recognize that none of our work is possible without the support of our donors, friends and volunteers.
  • To work in partnership with other organizations, respecting the Indian culture and empowering local citizens to make a real difference in the community.
  • To show the world that every child, regardless of their needs, deserves to experience love and to be treated with dignity and care.
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